Lottery Advertising and Its Effect on Lottery Purchase Behavior


The first modern lotteries were held in 15th century Flanders and Burgundy, where towns were trying to raise money for defenses and poor people. Francis I of France allowed lotteries in many cities between 1520 and 1539. The Italian city-state of Modena held the first lottery, or ventura. In the following centuries, the European lottery industry developed and spread, and the first lottery was held in Genoa. Eventually, this European lottery became a worldwide phenomenon, with more than 200 million players across the continent.

Lessons learned from NoRC survey

The findings of the NORC lottery survey show that the public is generally not happy with the results of national lottery surveys. Although most lottery players believe that lotteries pay out less than 25% of sales as prizes, in reality the percentage is closer to 50%. In addition, the vast majority of lottery players lose more money than they win, and only about 8% of them say they actually make money playing the lottery. The good news is that the findings of the survey may help lottery agencies improve their marketing plans.

Despite the many issues associated with the lottery, the survey’s results suggest that the most important issue is the amount of money available for prize winners. The respondents say that more money should go to specific causes. But the amount of money spent on tickets varies by race. While African-Americans spend more than any other group, single people and respondents from low-income households spend more money on lottery tickets than their married counterparts.

Problems with lotteries

The emergence of lotteries as a new form of gambling has generated a range of debates. While many opponents have pointed to regressive nature of lotteries and the dangers of compulsive gambling, the debates over lotteries have shifted to more specific features of the industry. Problems with the lottery movement continued to emerge with the growth of the industry and its acceptance in various countries.

One of the primary reasons that lotteries have gained a resurgence is because of magical economic thinking. Lottery regimes transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, and from people to the government. Many people also argue that gambling monopolies encourage a culture of spendthrift behavior and corruption. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, governments and public officials continued to enact lotteries. Even though they failed to improve lives, lotteries are still a popular source of revenue for many governments.

Strategies to increase odds of winning

There is no such thing as a sure-fire way to win the lottery. Although lottery operators make great efforts to ensure random number drawings, they are unable to accurately predict the winning numbers. That being the case, any strategy that promises to increase your odds of winning the lottery is unlikely to be successful. However, you can try to improve your chances by following the proven strategies Richard Lustig teaches in his book.

Syndicates are another way to increase your odds. These groups are comprised of many people who each chip in a small amount. They can be friends or coworkers. These people share the jackpot, but a contract must be drawn so that the winnings don’t go to one person. This strategy has its drawbacks. It is not recommended for those who want to win the lottery without risking too much money.

Marketing to poor people

The goal of this study was to examine the effect of lottery advertising on the perception of three income groups and how the message influenced their behavior. This research examined three types of marketing communication – mass media, word of mouth, and a survey. In total, 400 participants completed a questionnaire. The results showed that marketing communications directly affect lottery purchasing behaviors, particularly among low-income groups. The findings also suggest that lottery advertising works to influence WOM and mass media, as well as WOM’s role in the purchase decisions of poor people.

There are many challenges with marketing the lottery to poor people. Lottery players are overwhelmingly low-income and, consequently, are the most loyal customers of lottery companies. However, studies have shown that lottery sales are associated with poverty, and that the poorest third of U.S. citizens purchase more than half of all lottery tickets. States are increasingly targeting their marketing efforts to these populations. In the United States, for example, Ohio began marketing lottery ads to the poor and targeting them with government benefits. In 2009, lottery revenues from lottery advertising surpassed the amount of state corporate income tax in 11 states, which indicates that poor people are more likely to buy a lottery ticket than those with a higher income.

Categories: Gambling